Williams Tooling ahead of the competition

StampingSimulation.com’s Pay As You Go simulation services allow any tooling company of any size to benefit from world class AutoForm sheet metal forming simulation software. Williams Tooling, Dorr MI, is a regular client who use StampingSimulation.com’s SimulateLite service to simulate their solid tool designs prior to commencing tooling fabrication.

The Virtual Tryout service means the metal forming process is previewed before any hard tooling is made, meaning problems such as wrinkles and splits can be found and counter-measured before any steel is cut. [Click here to view the complete Williams Tooling case study – Adobe Acrobat required]

Jeremy Dutkiewicz, Tool designer comments, “since incorporating StampingSimulation.com’s services into our company, we have seen a significant reduction in time spent in tool tryouts, often avoiding time consuming changes by getting a good result at first tryout”.

Simulation technology is common in large OEM companies in the industry but now the same AutoForm technology can be accessed by even the smallest toolmaker via StampingSimulation.com’s online services, delivering the same engineering services found in Tier 1 and OEM suppliers. In this case study, SimulateLite was used to find and countermeasure a splitting problem that may have otherwise only appeared at first tryout, after which costly tooling changes would have been required to rectify the problem. In addition, stretch carrier shape and design was refined as part of the simulation service.

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