Planning & Bidding
Process Planning
How will the product design be manufactured? How many forming tools will be required? How many cutting steps? Will the blank be a simple rectangular sheet OR developed? Process planning using advanced simulation technology will answer these questions early on to provide clarity and confidence to make your part successfully. No more arguing or guessing which of your supplier's proposals are "right". Simulation takes the guess work out of process planning.
Tonnage Calculations
Before a project can be quoted confidently, the required forces must be known such that the correct size press is chosen and costed appropriately. Worse still, if a project is bid and won, but the tonnages are too high for an in-house press the project may be lost. It is crucial to know the required tonnages of any forming process during the planning and bidding phase. Simulation allows fast and accurate calculation of all forces (including blanking and trimming) at any stage of the project.
Material Cost Studies
Multiple material utilization scenarios are often considered as part of the process planning and piece cost calculations. The orientation of a developed blank in a strip can determine how much scrap is produced. Studying all the possible options, even overlapping the blanks, and then adjusting the product design can yield large cost savings by reducing scrap volume. Depending on annual expected volume, a two-out arrangement may yield a significant cost saving, by arranging developed blank shapes for two or more parts in one tool set. Less scrap may be realized in these cases, and simulation allows fast decisions to be made.